Tagged: U.K.

Rest in peace UK 13

Rest in peace UK

I am mourning for the UK. I feel so much pain and pity for all my good friends over there. Stupidity has won again. Good bye UK, your long reign has found its end....

ウェールズのスウォンジーとペン・イ・ファン 0



カンタベリーへの旅 0



Visit to Bath, UK 3

Visit to Bath, UK

During our visit to Swansea we made a side trip to Bath, as I was invited to give a lecture at Bath University. Before returning we had a bit of time for sightseeing in...

Carreg Cennen Castle, Wales 0

Carreg Cennen Castle, Wales

During my stay (for work) in Swansea I explored this beautiful castle ruin and its surroundings a bit. Unfortunately it was a rainy day, so the photos are a bit dull.

Gower Peninsula 0

Gower Peninsula

Six years ago I visited a colleague in Swansea, Wales, and for a full week we were working without a break. It happened that besides the university campus I didn’t see anything else. Now...