Tagged: TeX

Setting up CJK fonts for GhostScript 0

Setting up CJK fonts for GhostScript

After long discussions on the MacTeX mailing list, and thanks to much work of many contributors, I can finally announce the CJK font integration script for GhostScript. While far from perfect, especially because GhostScript...

TeX Live: the new multi fmtutil 4

TeX Live: the new multi fmtutil

Some time ago I posted a few articles on internals of TeX Live, which might be of interest for the general user, too: and . With and the pretest for 2015 about to start,...

TeX Live 2014 frozen – pretest starting soon 4

TeX Live 2014 frozen – pretest starting soon

So there we are, each year around April TeX Live gets frozen. Today’s update was the last of TeX Live 2014. From now on we concentrate on updating binaries and packaging in preparation for...


Managing slides and handouts in LaTeX

Now that my teaching season has started, I need to produce slides and handouts for lots of lectures. For saving paper I print the handouts in 2-up, so two slides per page. Till now...

Rewriting fmtutil in Perl 2

Rewriting fmtutil in Perl

TeX Live 2015 is still a few months of, but one of the things I am planning for it is to rewrite fmtutil in Perl, and change its functionality slightly. This follows the rewrite...

End of gitorious, move to github 0

End of gitorious, move to github

I just realized that gitorious.org will shut down end of May due to being acquired by GitLab. That means I had to move the repositories I had there over to different places. Gitorious offered...

ptex2pdf 0.6 0

ptex2pdf 0.6

ptex2pdfを更新した。すごく簡単な変更なんだけど、Cygwinの上に必要だ。shebangの「texlua」の後、余分な空白があった。すごく古いバグだ:2013年にツイッターで最初に述べたようだ。 明日からTeX Liveのバーションがアップされるつもりだ。CTANにもアップした。ダウンロードは「ptex2pdf-0.6.zip」、lua scriptだけ欲しかったら、こっち:「ptex2pdf.lua」 使い方等のため、特別のページを見て下さい:/software-projects/ptex2pdf.

TeX Live pre-2015 for Debian 0

TeX Live pre-2015 for Debian

Now that jessie is close to release, and TeX Live 2015 release is planned for around June, I thought I start working on integrating the current status of TeX Live svn and tlnet into...

Debian updates (MusixTeX, PMX, mu, cafeobj) 0

Debian updates (MusixTeX, PMX, mu, cafeobj)

It has been a while that I have updated some Debian packages. As we are in pre-release freeze there is not much to do, and uploading would disturb the release process. But well, these...

Fixing (Debian, X, PDF viewer) font setup for Japanese 2

Fixing (Debian, X, PDF viewer) font setup for Japanese

I have been experiencing crazy switches in my fonts displayed in the browser, in applications, etc. In particular, stuff written in Japanese was displayed with Chinese characters instead of Japanese. The differences are subtle,...

Gnu-Freefont fonts and XeLaTeX 0

Gnu-Freefont fonts and XeLaTeX

(This is a repost with permission from Cikitsā, Dominik Wujastyk’s blog with a few additions.) There’s been a long-standing issue about using the Gnu-Freefont fonts with XeLaTeX. The fonts are “Free Serif”, “Free Sans”...

Writing Japanese in LaTeX : Part 3 – Simple documents 2

Writing Japanese in LaTeX : Part 3 – Simple documents

After the bit , we continue this tutorial on writing Japanese in LaTeX today with a bit more hands-on practice, namely writing simple hello-world-style documents for different engines/packages. Today’s part will also include a...

texlive-base update for jessie 2014.20141024-2 1

texlive-base update for jessie 2014.20141024-2

I just uploaded a new texlive-base package targeting jessie. Although we are well past freeze time, I still hope that the release managers allow this package to enter jessie, as it contains an important...