Tagged: TeX Live

TeX Live 2014のtlptexlive 3

TeX Live 2014のtlptexlive

TeX Live 2014の準備はよく続いているから、tlptexliveのために準備も始まった。角藤さんと北川さんのお陰で、(u)pmpostのpatchesが現在のsvnに対応された。その上、ptexのinhibit-glueパッチをupstream svnに入れた。

End of TeX Live in Debian? 18

End of TeX Live in Debian?

It sounds crazy, but I am seriously considering to ask for the removal of the TeX Live packages from Debian. Although this sounds crazy, especially considering the consequences: several packages will FTBFS no TeX...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140408-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140408-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers this moment, and will hit the local mirrors in due time. The new version is based on tlnet from 2014-04-08. As...

Preparation for TeX Live 2014 (and Debian) 0

Preparation for TeX Live 2014 (and Debian)

Prepartions for this year’s release of TeX Live 2014 are under way. The first build rounds to ensure that there are no severe problems with building on all supported architectures have already successfully finished....

Debian/TeX Live  2013.20140314-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140314-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers this moment, and will find its way around the globe in the next hours. The new version is based on tlnet...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140215-1 2

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140215-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers this moment, and will find its way around the globe in the next hours. The new version is based on tlnet...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140123-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140123-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers. The new version is based on tlnet from 2014-01-23. Please see this  for my plans for 2014. Currently I am waiting...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20131219-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20131219-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers. The new version is based on tlnet from 2013-12-19. Before listing the updated and new stuff, here are my plans for...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20131112-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20131112-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages, new version is based on tlnet from 2013-11-11. Not much new with respect to Debian packaging, but a notable addition to TeX Live itself, and thus...

TUG 2013 in Tokyo – TeX Users Group Meeting 0

TUG 2013 in Tokyo – TeX Users Group Meeting

From Wednesday next week on the 34th Annual Meeting of the TeX Users Group will bring together over 150 TeX users, TeX experts, typographiles, book lovers, font designers, etc. A dense program with talks...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20131010-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20131010-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages, new version is based on tlnet from 2013-10-10. Not much new with respect to Debian packaging, just a bunch of updates for CTAN: Asana-Math, achemso, acro,...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20130918-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20130918-1

Another two weeks, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages, new version is based on tlnet from 2013-09-18. Due to pressure from some ignorant debian-devel members I had to  (texlive-doc-*, texlive-lang-*). Unfortunately one of the...

New Debian TeX Live binaries uploaded 0

New Debian TeX Live binaries uploaded

Yesterday I have uploaded a new set of TeX Live binaries (source package texlive-bin) to the Debian archive. The version number is 2013.20130729.30972-2. While that looks like a small step (from -1 to -2),...