GW 2014 – ラ・フォル・ジュルネ金沢
今年のユーロビジョン・ソング・コンテストは特別のコンテストだった。今年は周辺化された社会部分の優勝だ。勝者はオーストリアのコンチータ・ヴルスト(Conchita Wurst)だ。
Recently the amount of flame-war discussions on debian-devel mailing list is again going up, due to the fact that systemd is finding (fighthing?) its way into all corners of the formerly peaceful Debian eco-system....
It sounds crazy, but I am seriously considering to ask for the removal of the TeX Live packages from Debian. Although this sounds crazy, especially considering the consequences: several packages will FTBFS no TeX...
I have already reported a few times about the bleak future of our nature environment with the coming of the Shinkansen, see and . We will have a rather big Forum coming up in...
Three years have passed since the big earthquake, followed by an enormous tsunami, hit the north-eastern coast of Japan, destroying the lives and livelihood of thousands of people. It also set of the biggest...
I often post about TeX and related things, updates of Debian packages, support programs etc. This time I want to present a nice project that exhibits the power and versatility of TeX and its...
During the of Tomokawa Kazuki I attended last weekend, one of the songs caught my attention – it was the song Runaway lad (家出青年). He spoke a lot about (against) atomic reactors, and this...
(日本語版の為、「これ」と「これ」を見て下さい。) Last sunday the first Kibagata Forum was held. Aim of this meeting is the protection of the Kibagata and its surroundings during the construction of the Hokuriku-Shinkansen from Matto direction Fukui. As already...
Much has been said about the recent decision to start banning. Uncountable threads have been started, degraded into flame wars. And I often was part of these (others I cannot quote due to their...
Everyone knows that the Shinkansen is coming to Hokuriku. But do you know that the Shinkansen line as planned will destroy one of the last nature reserves on the coast line, the Lake Kiba...
I wish all the readers a Merry Christmas, some peaceful last days in the year 2013, and happy and successful new year 2014. Thanks for reading and commenting, and see you in the New...
I am sick of happy J-POP! I have have enough from girls in miniskirts jumping around to computer generated music! So I am starting a series on Japanese music which one will not hear...
先月パリの出張中珍しい機会があった:ワイン・プロの友達と一緒にパリで行った「Salon des vins des Vignerons Indépendants」へ行った。簡単に自主のぶどう園丁が千社以上、ワインの種類が一万種以上、全て無料の味聞き。
The Olympics 2020 will come to Tokyo. During the application the Japanese government has repeatedly stated that food, water, everything is safe in Tokyo, Tohoku, Japan. Instead of writing responses, let us hear what...
End of September we have national elections of the parliament in Austria. And although I consider many things in Austria quite incompetent and retro-style, I appreciate that I can cast my vote via letter,...