Tagged: Society




小松市のお旅祭り 0



木と人間の根 0



100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide 1

100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

Exactly 100 years ago the first genocide of the 20th century started: The Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Turks. The Ottoman empire, the predecessor of Turkey, ordered the deportation and execution of...

Murakami Haruki’s answer on atomic energy 0

Murakami Haruki’s answer on atomic energy

The well known writer Haruki Murakami (村上春樹) – I have blogged about several of his books – also provides some kind of counseling service. He is running his advice page 村上さんのところ. The readers can...

Gedanken zum 11. März 0

Gedanken zum 11. März

Vor 4 Jahren das Erdbeben, vor 4 Jahren Fukushima. Wie weit ist Tohoku wiederhergestellt, wie weit ist Tohoku wieder aufgebaut? Gleichzeitig wird für die Tokyo Olympics Unmengen Geld weggeschmissen. Absolut unverständliche Vorgehensweise. Ich verstehe...

3月11日の考え 0



映画の広告:標的の村 0


最近琉球と沖縄の歴史について、いろんな本を読んでいた:ノーマ・フィールドの「[p2p slug="dying-emperor-chibana-hinomaru"]天皇の逝く国で[/p2p]」、知花昌一の[p2p slug="chibana-shoichi-burning-the-rising-sun"]焼き捨てられた日の丸[/p2p]。

Charlie Hebdo attack 0

Charlie Hebdo attack

The killing of journalists at Charlie Hebdo by islamic extremists yesterday is another sad point. Around the world, caricaturists answer with design in memoriam the death at Charlie Hebdo. I am well aware that...

Chibana Shoichi – Burning the Rising Sun 0

Chibana Shoichi – Burning the Rising Sun

At first I wanted to write my own review of this book, where the author describes his story of taking down and burning the Hinomaru during a Softball Competition Opening Ceremony in Okinawa. I...

A Tribute to Discomfort 0

A Tribute to Discomfort

Stop doing what you are doing! Stop it, NOW! Here it is, I have never, absolutely never seen something as similar to what I am thinking before. The whole point summed up into one sentence: