Tagged: R


R with TensorFlow 2.0 on Debian/sid

I recently posted on getting TensorFlow 2.0 with GPU support running on Debian/sid. At that time I didn’t manage to get the tensorflow package for R running properly. It didn’t need much to get...


TensorFlow 2.0 with GPU on Debian/sid

Some time ago I have been written about how to get Tensorflow (1.x) running on current Debian/sid back then. It turned out that this isn’t correct anymore and needs an update, so here it...


TensorFlow on Debian/sid (including Keras via R)

I have been struggling with getting TensorFlow running on Debian/sid for quite some time. The main problem is that the CUDA libraries installed by Debian are CUDA 9.1 based, and the precompiled pip installable...


Signal handling in R

Recently I have been programming quite a lot in R, and today stumbled over the problem to implement a kind of monitoring loop in R. Typically that would be a infinite loop with sleep...