Yasunari Kawabata – Snow Country
This book, Snow Country (雪国 in original) is one of the masterpieces of the first Japanese who won the Nobel Prize for Literature (1968), Yasunari Kawabata (川端康成). Snow Country describes the love affair between...
This book, Snow Country (雪国 in original) is one of the masterpieces of the first Japanese who won the Nobel Prize for Literature (1968), Yasunari Kawabata (川端康成). Snow Country describes the love affair between...
Ok, seit langem ein Buch das ich nicht empfehlen kann. Das Machwerk eines esoterisch angehauchten Malers aus Kuchl, der versucht eine Philosophie zu kreieren. Leider ist er weder sprachlich/schriftstellerisch noch intellektuell dem Anspruch gewachsen....
My first book from the extremly prolific Higashino Keigo (東野 圭吾): Salvation of a Saint. Translated into English in 2012, it is the forth in the Detective Galileo series, where a bit weird scientist...
Once again a book that I bought inspired by the NPR’s Book Concierge for 2013 is Howard Norman‘s autobiographic collection of memories named I Hate to Leave this Beautiful Place. Born to a mixture...
Another book that I bought inspired by the NPR’s Book Concierge for 2013 is Karen Russell’s collection of short stories named Vampires in the Lemon Grove. Karen Russell is one of the young new...
Another book that I bought inspired by the NPR’s Book Concierge for 2013 is Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake. It is the first novel of the Indian American author Jhumpa Lahiri. In 2010 she won...
Another short story I recently finished if by well-and-still-not-so-well-known Philip K Dick. He is in some sense well known, as many extremely popular movies are based on his works, examples are Blade Runner, Total...
One of the books I got from the recommendations at NPR’s Book Concierge for 2013 before leaving for the US was Yoko Ogawa‘s Revenge. Famous for her book The Housekeeper and the Professor, she...
I just finished the absolutely stunning and incredible great “The Swarm” (web page of the book, WikiPedia entry) from Franz Schätzing. A book of more than thousand pages where the tension never stops. A...
Seit langem habe ich wieder ein Buch von Christoph Ransmayr (Homepage des Autors) gelesen. Großer Fan seiner ersten Bücher – Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis, Die letzte Welt (mein Favorit!), Morbus Kitahara...
During my trip to Georgia I had enough time to finish two books. One was Haruki Murakami‘s Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. A phantastic story jumping between two different worlds –...
I just finished another book of Kobo Abe (安部公房), called “The Face of Another” (他人の顔). It is the story of a person whose face got severely damaged in an accident, and who builds a...
It happens very rarely that a book moves me so deeply that I have to cry. This book by the Turkish multi-talent Zülfü Livaneli (musician, author, columnist, film director, …) is one of them....
Hurray! I just finished my first full book in Japanese: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石. I got the book from pottermore.com shop, the only place to get eBook versions of Harry Potter. I , since the PotterMore shop...
The following two books cover two very different, though somehow related topics. Stephanie & Ralf de Jong’s Schriftwechsel (in German!) introduces basic principles of typography and especially font design. What sets it apart for...
Die Autobiographie von Barabara Coudenhove-Kalergi birgt einen reichen Schatz an historisch interessanten und persönlichen Ereignissen einer Frau die wie wenige andere die österreichische Nachkriegsgeschichte durch Intelligenz und Humanität geprägt hat. Das Buch ist in...