Localizing a WordPress Blog
There are many translation plugins available for WordPress, and most of them deal with translations of articles. This might be of interest for others, but not for me. If you have a blog with...
language related entries, not necessarily linguistic, though
There are many translation plugins available for WordPress, and most of them deal with translations of articles. This might be of interest for others, but not for me. If you have a blog with...
With the start of this semester I am teaching in Japanese – thus I am back to learning, in particular learning Japanese for mathematics. And of course I am using my preferred flashcard application,...
I have lived about 2.5 years in Italy, more specific in Siena. And till today I have many good friends there. During my time in Italy I learned quite a bit of Italian, or...
During the long flight from Narita to Vienna I spent some time with a game called “Brain Teaser”. Math, general knowledge was ok, but in the section of analytic I failed badly. Let us...
Hurray! I just finished my first full book in Japanese: ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石. I got the book from pottermore.com shop, the only place to get eBook versions of Harry Potter. I , since the PotterMore shop...
An update to my about tagging post languages with the language used. Another thing I wanted is the display of flags instead of the short code of the language. In this post I explain...
As you might have seen, I am writing this blog in a few languages, mostly English of course, but also German (my mother tongue), Italian (where I lived for 2.5 years), and recently I...
Everyone which has fallen in love with travelling should read this book: Arrivando a ogni nuova città il viaggiatore ritrova un suo passato che non sapeva più d’avere: l’estraneità di ciò che non sei...
Un po’ tempo fa mi serviva un modulo per la richiesta di disoccupazione, e lo aspettavo per piu di un mese.Così ho scritto una email alla signora risponsabile …
Le sottigliezze della lingua italiana Eccone alcune particolarmente interessanti: Un cortigiano: un uomo che vive a corte Una cortigiana: una mignotta Un massaggiatore: un Kinesiterapista Una massaggiatrice: una mignotta Un professionista: un uomo che...
Uno degli miei amici ha vinto una premia per un sonetto bellissimo che tratta la sua zona dintorno di Grotte di Castro. Io non volgio publicarlo, ma mi è piaciuto tantissimo, forse perchè l’amore...
A nice word for your lovely nice, but also for a very nice girl. A word down from the south, full of the flavor of tasty vine, full of the flavor of sand, sea,...
Another nice word from the Tuscany. Synonym for pavimento, the floor. Ask this to someone from outside the Tuscany and he will stare at you.