Tagged: jfontmaps


Setting up kanji embedding in TeX Live

Together with Hironori Kitagawa (北川 弘典) we finally updated the instruction on kanji embedding based on jfontmaps. The page is located at http://tug.org/texlive/updmap-kanji.html and describes the status of the upcoming TeX Live 2013 release....


jfontmaps release 20130418.0

This is a bug fix release: Fix for kanji-con­fig-up­dmap-sys to call the right script fix for re­place­ment setup for new fam­i­lies fix for wrong ms­gothic file name gen­er­ate changelog from git For more details...

jfontmaps release 20130410.0 0

jfontmaps release 20130410.0

After quite some time of development today I uploaded jfontmaps release 20130410.0 to the CTAN servers. This release finally brings a working support for JIS2004 glyph shapes.