Tagged: Japan


Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi: Zuhause ist überall

Die Autobiographie von Barabara Coudenhove-Kalergi birgt einen reichen Schatz an historisch interessanten und persönlichen Ereignissen einer Frau die wie wenige andere die österreichische Nachkriegsgeschichte durch Intelligenz und Humanität geprägt hat. Das Buch ist in...




上高地アイスクライミング:ミルキーウェイ 1



山スキー 越前甲 0

山スキー 越前甲

ようやく山スキーに行ってきた。本当に永久にやっていない感じだった。週末[p2p type="slug" value="enjoying-lake-biwa"]滋賀県[/p2p]へ行ってきたので、先週大雪を楽しめなかったから。

Ume garden in Minabe 2

Ume garden in Minabe

Minabe in Wakayama-ken (和歌山県みなべ町) is famous for its Ume trees. The Umeboshi from Minabe are paticularly famous. The second day of our trip around Minabe was dedicated to the Ume garden 梅林 there. For...

Around Shirahama 0

Around Shirahama

The area around Shirahama 白浜 in the south of Wakayama-ken 和歌山県 not only boasts a warm and friendly climate, but also spectacular scenery and excellent Ume. Last weekend I could spend two days in this...


Murakami 1Q84

I just finished another book of Murakami Haruki, 1Q84. It is a spectacular book, more than 1000 pages (published in print in three volumes), which I couldn’t stop reading. The tension never stops, the...


Cheating Amazon Japan

Amazon advertises that the Kindle with 3G can access the store and the purchased books in more than 100 (or 150) countries of the world (see http://client0.cellmaps.com/viewer.html). Well, unless you buy a Kindle in...


Adding Japanese language to an eTrex 30 unit

Recently a friend of mine obtained a Garmin eTrex30 in the normal, that is not Japanese variant. Though my friend’s English is excellent, while mountaineering one normally prefers to work in one’s native language....


Japanese-English dictionary for the Kindle

You can get a Japanese-Japanese dictionary for free on the Kindle, but if you want to have translations, I recommend this Japanese-English dictionary. After having purchased and installed it on the Kindle, got to...


Harry Potter in Japanese

There are digital versions of Harry Potter series sold by Potter More. The non-Japanese versions are available in Kindle format, but the Japanese versions are only available in epub3 format. If you want to...


Converting Aozora documents to Kindle

This part is based on the blog entry http://ebookyaro.blogspot.jp/2012/10/kindle-paperwhite-epub3.html but adapted for Linux. Necessary software: KindleGen: convert various formats to kindle format Aozora EPub3 Converter: get the latest version Steps to be done: get...

Gozaisho Naka-one 御在所岳・中尾根 0

Gozaisho Naka-one 御在所岳・中尾根

Climbing in autumn in Japan is phantastic. The weather is comfortable, not too hot and humid. The leafs are getting golden red and yellow. Our current target was the Naka-One of Gozaisho. Our original...

Yarigadake Kitakama-one 0

Yarigadake Kitakama-one

Climbing the third of the three great ridges of Japan, the north ridge of Yarigadake (Kitakama-one). Of course again with Masumi, thanks to her! The first day was an easy hike to the hut....