Tagged: Japan

八ヶ岳 アイスクライミング 0

八ヶ岳 アイスクライミング



First Kibagata Forum

(日本語版の為、「これ」と「これ」を見て下さい。) Last sunday the first Kibagata Forum was held. Aim of this meeting is the protection of the Kibagata and its surroundings during the construction of the Hokuriku-Shinkansen from Matto direction Fukui. As already...


Yoko Ogawa – Revenge

One of the books I got from the recommendations at NPR’s Book Concierge for 2013 before leaving for the US was Yoko Ogawa‘s Revenge. Famous for her book The Housekeeper and the Professor, she...


Save Lake Kiba

Everyone knows that the Shinkansen is coming to Hokuriku. But do you know that the Shinkansen line as planned will destroy one of the last nature reserves on the coast line, the Lake Kiba...


Quatre frères – ヘーゼルナッツの洋菓子



Tomokawa Kazuki – Circus

I am sick of happy J-POP! I have have enough from girls in miniskirts jumping around to computer generated music! So I am starting a series on Japanese music which one will not hear...

Hakusan Superrindo and Shirakawago 0

Hakusan Superrindo and Shirakawago

It might look boring to outsiders to go every year the same Hakusan Superrindo and to Shirakawago, but during the Momiji season, when the leaves are getting these wonderful colors (even for a color-weak...


はじめの書道 My first calligraphy

先週の第34回TeX Users Group年次大会の遠足の時初めて書道触れた。その前筆を使う事がただ一度だった。今回自分で墨を作ってから、練習した。難しかった。思ったよりすごく難しかった!一回自分でやると、書道先生の天才を少しわかってきた。好きになったから、絶対に書道練習を続ける。

上高地・屏風岩・雲稜ルート 0




Election in Austria – Voting from and in Japan

End of September we have national elections of the parliament in Austria. And although I consider many things in Austria quite incompetent and retro-style, I appreciate that I can cast my vote via letter,...