Tagged: Debian

Firefox got maniac 18

Firefox got maniac

Update 2018-11-06: it was a fontconfig bug that is fixed in version 2.13.1-2. I can confirm that with this version all is back to normal, finally. I don’t know what, I don’t know why,...

Calibre and rar support – again 5

Calibre and rar support – again

I have written here several times about Calibre, as well as my trials to get RAR support into the non-free part of Debian, mostly because I have also a few cbr files that I...

TensorFlow on Debian/sid (including Keras via R) 4

TensorFlow on Debian/sid (including Keras via R)

I have been struggling with getting TensorFlow running on Debian/sid for quite some time. The main problem is that the CUDA libraries installed by Debian are CUDA 9.1 based, and the precompiled pip installable...

Debian/TeX Live updates 20180824 1

Debian/TeX Live updates 20180824

Exactly one month has passed since the last TeX Live for Debian update, so here we are with the usual bunch. Besides the usual updates to macros and font packages, this time I also...

#!/usr/bin/env != /usr/bin/perl 4

#!/usr/bin/env != /usr/bin/perl

I just say one thing … I hate irrelevant policies. Now I have to either patch 59 files in TeX Live, or write a script that goes through a few Gb of data to...

台湾の新竹でのDebConf 2018 0

台湾の新竹でのDebConf 2018

Debian Developers Conferenceは毎年開催され、今年は7月29日から8月5日の日程で、台湾の新竹で開催されました。2000年に設立して以来、この年次会議がアジアで開催されたのは初めてでした。

DebConf 18 – Day 3 1

DebConf 18 – Day 3

Most of Japan is on summer vacation now, only a small village in the north resists the siege, so I am continuing my reports on DebConf. See DebConf 18 – Day 1 and DebConf...

DebConf 18 – Day 2 0

DebConf 18 – Day 2

Although I have already returned from this year’s DebConf, I try to continue to write up my comments on the talks I have attended. The first one was DebConf 18 – Day 1, here...

DebConf 18 – Day 1 0

DebConf 18 – Day 1

This year’s DebConf happens to be the first in Asia, in Hsinchu, Taiwan. And also for me the first DebConf I ever participated. I arrived on Saturday night from Japan, and will try to...

Debian/TeX Live 2018.20180724-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2018.20180724-1

After more than two months finally an update to TeX Live in Debian again. I was a bit distracted by work, private life, travels, and above all the update to texdoc which required a...

Microsoft fixed the Open R Debian package 5

Microsoft fixed the Open R Debian package

I just got notice that Microsoft has updated the Debian packaging of Open R to properly use dpkg-divert. I checked the Debian packaging scripts and they now properly divert R and Rscript, and revert...

Microsoft’s failed attempt on Debian packaging 88

Microsoft’s failed attempt on Debian packaging

Just recently Microsoft Open R 3.5 was announced, as an open source implementation of R with some improvements. Binaries are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. I dared to download and play around with...

Debian/TeX Live 2018.20180505-1 1

Debian/TeX Live 2018.20180505-1

The first big bunch of updates of TeX Live 2018. During the freeze for DVD production, several bugs have been found and fixed. In particular compatibility of csqoutes with the shiny new LaTeX release,...