Tagged: Debian

State of Calibre in Debian 11

State of Calibre in Debian

To counter some recent FUD spread about Calibre in general and Calibre in Debian in particular, here a concise explanation of the current state. Many might have read my previous post on Calibre as...

R with TensorFlow 2.0 on Debian/sid 1

R with TensorFlow 2.0 on Debian/sid

I recently posted on getting TensorFlow 2.0 with GPU support running on Debian/sid. At that time I didn’t manage to get the tensorflow package for R running properly. It didn’t need much to get...

RIP (for now) Calibre in Debian 2

RIP (for now) Calibre in Debian

The current purge of all Python2 related packages has a direct impact on Calibre. The latest version of Calibre requires Python modules that are not (anymore) available for Python 2, which means that Calibre...

TensorFlow 2.0 with GPU on Debian/sid 4

TensorFlow 2.0 with GPU on Debian/sid

Some time ago I have been written about how to get Tensorflow (1.x) running on current Debian/sid back then. It turned out that this isn’t correct anymore and needs an update, so here it...

TeX Live/Debian updates 20190930 2

TeX Live/Debian updates 20190930

TeX Live 2019 has seen already many updates since the initial upload to Debian, most of which I have never reported about. Today I have uploaded a new set of packages, based on the...

Debian Activities of the last few months 2

Debian Activities of the last few months

I haven’t written about specific Debian activities in recent times, but I haven’t been lazy. In fact I have been very active with a lot of new packages I am contributing to. TeX and...

TeX Live 2019 in Debian 0

TeX Live 2019 in Debian

About one week ago we have released upstream TeX Live 2019, and after a few iterations fixing packaging bugs, the Debian experimental suite now has TeX Live packages based on 2019. All the changes...


Debian Package Smells

A recent blog post by Lucas Nussbaum has pointed me at the smell of my packages in Debian. It turned out they smell a lot it seems: Norbert Preining asymptote (U) git repository should...


Cinnamon 4 for Debian – updates

As mentioned in the previous blog, I have created Debian packages for Cinnamon 4. The first changes have been pushed to the Cinnamon Team on Salsa, but since I don’t have access anymore the...

TeX Live/Debian updates 20190122 0

TeX Live/Debian updates 20190122

Despite current unpleasantries abound, I have updated the TeX Live packages – mostly to fix a critical bug in xr.sty – since I don’t think the users should pay with broken documents for what...


Thoughts on 2018

I wanted to write something about how my blog was read in 2018, but recent events distracted me from that. Now I am just surprised. I think it is the first time in my...

TeX Live/Debian updates 20181214 1

TeX Live/Debian updates 20181214

Another month passed, and the (hoepfully) last upload for this year brings updates to the binaries, to the usual big set of macro and font packages, and some interesting and hopefully useful changes. The...


On Lars Wirzenius, Fun, and Debian

Some time ago I got flamed by Lars Wirzenius, because I dared to write on my blog The last point by Linus is what I criticize most on Debian nowdays, it has become a...

TeX Live/Debian updates 20181106 4

TeX Live/Debian updates 20181106

All around updates in the TeX Live on Debian world: Besides the usual shipment of macro and font packages, we have uploaded a new set of binaries checked out from current svn, as well...

Debian/TeX Live updates 20181009 1

Debian/TeX Live updates 20181009

MOre than a month has passed, and we went through a CVE and some other complications, but finally I managed to build and upload a new set of packages of TeX Live for Debian....