Tagged: Debian

TeX Live 2014 for Debian 1

TeX Live 2014 for Debian

I have just uploaded a set of packages that brings TeX Live 2014 (as it is currently frozen in preparation for the DVD image) to Debian/unstable. The packages have already been accepted and will...

Systemd, Debian, and Hoare’s Turing Award Lecture 2

Systemd, Debian, and Hoare’s Turing Award Lecture

Recently the amount of flame-war discussions on debian-devel mailing list is again going up, due to the fact that systemd is finding (fighthing?) its way into all corners of the formerly peaceful Debian eco-system....

USB stick with Tails and SystemRescueCD 3

USB stick with Tails and SystemRescueCD

With the ongoing surveillance everywhere, it is wise to have some way to work without leaving traces. One of these tools is Tails, famous for having been used by Snowden to transmit the NSA...

End of TeX Live in Debian? 18

End of TeX Live in Debian?

It sounds crazy, but I am seriously considering to ask for the removal of the TeX Live packages from Debian. Although this sounds crazy, especially considering the consequences: several packages will FTBFS no TeX...

Sony VAIO Pro 13, Linux, WiFi 2

Sony VAIO Pro 13, Linux, WiFi

As I have , my latest workforce laptop is a Sony VAIO Pro 13. At that time I posted something in the sense that with an update of the firmware my Wifi problems were...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140408-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140408-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers this moment, and will hit the local mirrors in due time. The new version is based on tlnet from 2014-04-08. As...

Preparation for TeX Live 2014 (and Debian) 0

Preparation for TeX Live 2014 (and Debian)

Prepartions for this year’s release of TeX Live 2014 are under way. The first build rounds to ensure that there are no severe problems with building on all supported architectures have already successfully finished....

Debian and systemd – heading for the abyss? 0

Debian and systemd – heading for the abyss?

There have been many discussion about which init system Debian should use. I have myself tried to stay away from that particular discussion. I am not a fan of systemd, but I consider myself...

Debian/Linux on Sony VAIO Pro 13 27

Debian/Linux on Sony VAIO Pro 13

I recently wanted to order a new laptop from work, and due to the ignorance of Lenovo I couldn’t get my preferred Thinkpad T41 in time for the end of the financial year. So...

Debian/TeX Live  2013.20140314-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140314-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers this moment, and will find its way around the globe in the next hours. The new version is based on tlnet...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140215-1 2

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140215-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers this moment, and will find its way around the globe in the next hours. The new version is based on tlnet...

Debian’s Newspeak 0

Debian’s Newspeak

Much has been said about the recent decision to start banning. Uncountable threads have been started, degraded into flame wars. And I often was part of these (others I cannot quote due to their...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140123-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20140123-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages has hit the Debian servers. The new version is based on tlnet from 2014-01-23. Please see this  for my plans for 2014. Currently I am waiting...