lavorare lavorare lavorare …

A nice monument of Ugo Nespolo in San Benedetto del Tronto, next to the sea, says: Lavorare lavorare lavorare preferisco il rumore del mare! What is there more to say … (big thanks to...


From the south: piccerella

A nice word for your lovely nice, but also for a very nice girl. A word down from the south, full of the flavor of tasty vine, full of the flavor of sand, sea,...



1. persona volgare, vile 2. persona che non ha voglia di lavorare Some people would like to call me this, or even better everyone at the university. But neither is true,or?



A word for my Viennese friends, this is what we Viennese are: chi piagnucolare continuato, where “piagnucolare” means piangere a lungo, sommessamente e lamentosamente, I would translate it with “jeiern”.



I recently found out that the Italian — or better the Tuscan — language has a distinction which has been lost in many other languages. I only know that this distinction is actively used...


My most beloved word: bagnasciuga

The word bagnasciuga describes the small stretch on the beach where the sea comes and goes, so the stretch getting wet and dry, that’s the origin (bagnare – getting wet, asciugare – drying up)....