jfontmaps release 20130418.0

This is a bug fix release: Fix for kanji-con­fig-up­dmap-sys to call the right script fix for re­place­ment setup for new fam­i­lies fix for wrong ms­gothic file name gen­er­ate changelog from git For more details...

クライミング ラステンフェルド・オーストリア 0

クライミング ラステンフェルド・オーストリア


Hyougo-ken – Kobe – Rokko – Arima Onsen 0

Hyougo-ken – Kobe – Rokko – Arima Onsen

Finally I managed to upload some photos from our trip to Hyougo-ken, visiting the foreigners’ houses and China Town in Kobe, Mount Rokko, and Arima Onsen. A nice and relaxed three day trip to...

tlmgr user mode 0

tlmgr user mode

Starting from tomorrow, tlpretest will contain an extension to the TeX Live Manager called User Mode. This one probably one of the most asked features in recent times, that one can use tlmgr to...


How to write spam

Recently I found a nice spammed comment on this blog. It gives long text with variations, things spammers use. Only that the variations were not selected, but all included in the text. That is...

jfontmaps release 20130410.0 0

jfontmaps release 20130410.0

After quite some time of development today I uploaded jfontmaps release 20130410.0 to the CTAN servers. This release finally brings a working support for JIS2004 glyph shapes.

TeX Live development: svn and git 0

TeX Live development: svn and git

TeX Live development has a long history. First we were using perforce for a long time, after which we changed to subversion which is still the main development platform and the main central repository....

Preparing for TeX Live 2013 release 0

Preparing for TeX Live 2013 release

As recently announced, TeX Live will soon be frozen in preparation for testing the release 2013. That of course means for me to think about what critical new features I want to get into...

ばかばかしい全国交通安全運動 0



ハイキング 遣水観音山 2

ハイキング 遣水観音山


クライミング 敦賀の岩場 0

クライミング 敦賀の岩場


Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi: Zuhause ist überall 0

Barbara Coudenhove-Kalergi: Zuhause ist überall

Die Autobiographie von Barabara Coudenhove-Kalergi birgt einen reichen Schatz an historisch interessanten und persönlichen Ereignissen einer Frau die wie wenige andere die österreichische Nachkriegsgeschichte durch Intelligenz und Humanität geprägt hat. Das Buch ist in...

TeXworks・日本語・ptex2pdf・設定 0

