Being gaijin in Japan

Today something strange happened: for the first time in more than 3 years I have been here in Japan I was treated not like a Gaijin that wants to rob, steal, or cheat, but...

ハイキング 御在所岳 0

ハイキング 御在所岳


Debian TeX Live release 2013.20130722-1 0

Debian TeX Live release 2013.20130722-1

Yesterday I have uploaded a set of new packages for TeX Live to the Debian archive. The release is based on the tlnet checkout from 2013-07-22. Version number is 2013.20130722-1. This is the first...

Kobo Glo firmware 2.8.1 and kobohack-j 8

Kobo Glo firmware 2.8.1 and kobohack-j

[For update blog entries see for an update for firmware 2.10, and  for 3.1.1]. I recently reported about how to . One of the items was installing optimized libraries compiled from the kobohack-j project....

River climbing Dainichi-sawa 0

River climbing Dainichi-sawa

Another hot weekend, another sawa (river) to climb. This time it is the Dainichi-sawa 大日沢 in Ishikawa. Sawa-nobori, or river climbing, is a sport practiced mostly in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. In Europe and...

Internals of TeX Live 2: multi-updmap 0

Internals of TeX Live 2: multi-updmap

As a follow-up on a previous post on , today something that is not so internal, but still something that hasn’t found wide knowledge: The new operation mode of updmap: reading all updmap.cfg files.

沢登 沢上谷 0

沢登 沢上谷


石川県の自然の根絶 0



沢登 明王谷と奥ノ深谷 2

沢登 明王谷と奥ノ深谷


カタンの開拓者 0



Upgrading the Kobo Glo 3

Upgrading the Kobo Glo

Due to permanent fights over my Kindle Paperwhite, I decided to get another eBook Reader, the Kobo Glo (warning – from Japan you will be automatically redirected to the Japanese page at rakuten), so...

Pride, July 4, and Nationality 5

Pride, July 4, and Nationality

Today is July 4, the day when many Americans blare out their pride of being American. And as always on this days, I ask myself, why on earth? In fact, this pride on nationality...

Zülfü Livaneli – Serenade für Nadja 0

Zülfü Livaneli – Serenade für Nadja

It happens very rarely that a book moves me so deeply that I have to cry. This book by the Turkish multi-talent Zülfü Livaneli (musician, author, columnist, film director, …) is one of them....