はじめの書道 My first calligraphy
先週の第34回TeX Users Group年次大会の遠足の時初めて書道触れた。その前筆を使う事がただ一度だった。今回自分で墨を作ってから、練習した。難しかった。思ったよりすごく難しかった!一回自分でやると、書道先生の天才を少しわかってきた。好きになったから、絶対に書道練習を続ける。
先週の第34回TeX Users Group年次大会の遠足の時初めて書道触れた。その前筆を使う事がただ一度だった。今回自分で墨を作ってから、練習した。難しかった。思ったよりすごく難しかった!一回自分でやると、書道先生の天才を少しわかってきた。好きになったから、絶対に書道練習を続ける。
From Wednesday next week on the 34th Annual Meeting of the TeX Users Group will bring together over 150 TeX users, TeX experts, typographiles, book lovers, font designers, etc. A dense program with talks...
Seit langem habe ich wieder ein Buch von Christoph Ransmayr (Homepage des Autors) gelesen. Großer Fan seiner ersten Bücher – Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis, Die letzte Welt (mein Favorit!), Morbus Kitahara...
Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages, new version is based on tlnet from 2013-10-10. Not much new with respect to Debian packaging, just a bunch of updates for CTAN: Asana-Math, achemso, acro,...
During my trip to Georgia I had enough time to finish two books. One was Haruki Murakami‘s Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. A phantastic story jumping between two different worlds –...
I am currently in Georgia, the country, and internet is not really a highly available option. So here are some impressions from our visit to Georgia. More reports will come soon. Rainbow over the...
Another two weeks, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages, new version is based on tlnet from 2013-09-18. Due to pressure from some ignorant debian-devel members I had to (texlive-doc-*, texlive-lang-*). Unfortunately one of the...
Having a taifun or other bad weather coming in over the weekend is not the optimal condition for going for a long climb. So, instead of enjoying three days in Kamikochi, we decided to...
The Olympics 2020 will come to Tokyo. During the application the Japanese government has repeatedly stated that food, water, everything is safe in Tokyo, Tohoku, Japan. Instead of writing responses, let us hear what...
Yesterday I have uploaded a new set of TeX Live binaries (source package texlive-bin) to the Debian archive. The version number is 2013.20130729.30972-2. While that looks like a small step (from -1 to -2),...
End of September we have national elections of the parliament in Austria. And although I consider many things in Austria quite incompetent and retro-style, I appreciate that I can cast my vote via letter,...
One inconvenience of the Kobo Glo is that it turns off the wireless very soon. That means that if you are logged into your , you might get dropped out soon. This post describes...