夜のメルボルン 0


[p2p slug="melbourne"]昼間のメルボルン[/p2p]だけじゃなくて、夜のメルボルンもとっても美しい。普通に同僚と一緒に夕食を食べてから、ホテルに戻ったけど、二回ちょっと出掛ける事にした。

山スキー:仁王山 0



メルボルン 0




PiwigoPress release 2.25

I just pushed a new release of PiwigoPress to the WordPress servers. This is only a minor release with very few fixes In particular, I fixed some misbehavior of the “load categories” button, and...


Gnu-Freefont fonts and XeLaTeX

(This is a repost with permission from Cikitsā, Dominik Wujastyk’s blog with a few additions.) There’s been a long-standing issue about using the Gnu-Freefont fonts with XeLaTeX. The fonts are “Free Serif”, “Free Sans”...


メルボルンへ ー 初めての「down under」



Writing Japanese in LaTeX : Part 3 – Simple documents

After the bit , we continue this tutorial on writing Japanese in LaTeX today with a bit more hands-on practice, namely writing simple hello-world-style documents for different engines/packages. Today’s part will also include a...

A Tribute to Discomfort 0

A Tribute to Discomfort

Stop doing what you are doing! Stop it, NOW! Here it is, I have never, absolutely never seen something as similar to what I am thinking before. The whole point summed up into one sentence:


Plex Home Theater 1.3.2 Debian build

I have updated my build of Plex Home Theater to the lastest release 1.3.2. All the builds from 1.3.0 onward had connection problems with my server. I have now changed to a different packaging...


texlive-base update for jessie 2014.20141024-2

I just uploaded a new texlive-base package targeting jessie. Although we are well past freeze time, I still hope that the release managers allow this package to enter jessie, as it contains an important...