How to make Umeshu 0

How to make Umeshu

The Japanese Umeshu, a kind of plum liquor, is a very special delicacy. Incomparable to the rubbish you get at the Chinese restaurant. We got a huge box of young plums from friends living...


Movie: Now You See Me

Yesterday evening we watched a movie rented over at GEO, which to my surprise was quite funny. It is “Now You See Me” (offical website, Wikipedia, IMdB). Turning around four gifted magicians that pull...


Debian/TeX Live 2014.20140626-1

The first upload after the . About a month has passed since the last packages have been uploaded, and the backlog of the freeze period has slowly decreased, meaning loads of updates! I cannot...


The Joy of Lisp

It has been a long time that I haven’t programmed Lisp, but due to my involvement in , I recently have re-started to program Lisp, in particular Common Lisp, which is the implementation language...


TeX Live 2014 released

Get the champagne out of the fridge, call your typographic friends, make a party – TeX Live 2014 has been released. Announcement has been delayed to give CTAN a chance to catch up, so...


Vienna Summer of Logic

This year we, the Kurt Gödel Society, are organizing the biggest event in the history of logic – the Vienna Summer of Logic. 12 conferences and many workshops, expected number of participants around 2500....


25 years of Tiananmen Square Massacre

This night, 25 years ago, Chinese troops stormed the Tiananmen square, assaulting peaceful protesters who had gathered here over the previous two weeks, causing casualities, injuries, and above all lost hopes. Lost hopes for...


TeX Live 2014 for Debian

I have just uploaded a set of packages that brings TeX Live 2014 (as it is currently frozen in preparation for the DVD image) to Debian/unstable. The packages have already been accepted and will...


Knuth’s TAOCP – hardcover and ebook

Finally I got it – the bible for all who are serious about programming. DEK’s The Art of Computer Programming. I had some coupon’s for InformIT purchases, and used that to get both the...


Kobo firmware 3.3.1, kobohack, libnickel

Kobo has shipped another update of the firmware for their devices, new version is 3.3.1. Nothing spectacular new, just a language update it seems. But since kobohack was updated to firmware 3.3.0, I thought...


PiwigoPress for WordPress 2.9 and above

I have finally found the time to fix some annoying bugs when using PiwigoPress on WordPress 3.9 (and above). In addition, I have added some features I wanted to have. Fixes fix for Piwigo...


Systemd, Debian, and Hoare’s Turing Award Lecture

Recently the amount of flame-war discussions on debian-devel mailing list is again going up, due to the fact that systemd is finding (fighthing?) its way into all corners of the formerly peaceful Debian eco-system....


Yasunari Kawabata – Snow Country

This book, Snow Country (雪国 in original) is one of the masterpieces of the first Japanese who won the Nobel Prize for Literature (1968), Yasunari Kawabata (川端康成). Snow Country describes the love affair between...