クライミング 白山市女原の岩場 (+トポ)
Recently Plex Plex Home Theater was updated to 1.4.1 with fixes for some errors, in particular concerning the new music handling introduced in 1.4.0. As with , I have compiled PHT for both jessie...
I recently was made aware by a very positive review of TeXPortal, a TeX Live system compiled for Android and available in the Google App Store. This is more or less a TeX Live...
After long back and forth and improvements here and there, I have finally uploaded a version of cjk-gs-integrate to CTAN. This coincides with the first test releases of the Ghostscript for MacTeX packages, which...
Recently Plex Plex Home Theater was updated to 1.4.0 introducing new features regarding music handling. In the meantime, Debian/jessie has been released, and from now on jessie and sid will drift apart. Thus, I...
As with previous version, I have prepared a mega update for the Kobo firmware 3.15.0, including all my favorite patches and features. Please see details for and . As before, the following addons are...