
さよならの詩 生も死もひとつのブランコの分岐点において ゆらゆらそのゆれをほほえんで見ているしかないのですね。 桜の国の散る中で死人の口がうたうたう 天国と地獄はよく似てる。 太陽の光を見えなくても、前向きにしないといけないけど。。。 雲の浮ついた行き先と気にしながら歩く覚悟の寂寥が今揃って火を噴く 足跡のない雲道を黒馬の群れが突き進んでゆくで。 頑張ろう。 、ありがとう。


Debian updates (MusixTeX, PMX, mu, cafeobj)

It has been a while that I have updated some Debian packages. As we are in pre-release freeze there is not much to do, and uploading would disturb the release process. But well, these...


PiwigoPress release 2.26

I just pushed a new release of PiwigoPress (, WordPress plugin dir) to the WordPress servers. This release adds two features requested on the support forums, and tweaks some details. The new features and...


Frank Schätzing – Limit

After having devoured , I had to read another of his epic novels, Limit. Set around 2025, this thriller spans several continents as well as space stations and the moon. Helium 3 has become...


Tutorial: First Steps with CafeOBJ

I have created a tutorial for CafeOBJ that will guide users through starting the CafeOBJ interpreter, and some simple calculations. Included is also a very short introduction to the logic background of CafeOBJ, and...


Slick Google Map Plugin for WordPress

I have renamed my Google Map plugin from ‘Simple Google Map Plugin’ to ‘Slick Google Map’ and uploaded it to the WordPress.org plugin site. It is now under review, but hopefully will soon be...


Plex Home Theater 1.3.6 Debian amd64 and i386

New builds of Plex Home Theater for Debian, this time with both amd64 and i386 architecture. WARNING Due to the addition of new architectures I have switched repository layout, thus the old entries will...


Plex Home Theater 1.3.6 Debian build

I finally managed to get a build of Plex Home Theater for Debian that actually works. Version 1.3.5 was a no go, but with 1.3.6 we are back to full speed! And in combination...


Slick Google Map Plugin for WordPress

(Update: renamed to Slick Google Map Plugin!) For long time I have used the Comprehensive Google Map Plugin by Alexander Zagniotov. Unfortunately, it has been abandoned by the author, and as last step migration...


Alan Lightman – The Accidental Universe

Recommended by one of my favorite blogs, Brain Pickings, as one of the best books of 2014, and written by physicist and novelist Alan Lightman (Wiki, MIT page), I immediately bought the book (eBook...


Charlie Hebdo attack

The killing of journalists at Charlie Hebdo by islamic extremists yesterday is another sad point. Around the world, caricaturists answer with design in memoriam the death at Charlie Hebdo. I am well aware that...


Two years of blogging

It has been more or less two years that I started to regularly write on this blog. High time to look back and take a short review. Including the posts moved over from the...