Challenging riddle from The Talos Principle

When I recently complained that was too easy, I have to say, The Talos Principle is challenging. For a solution that, if known, takes only a few seconds, I often have to wring my...


PiwigoPress release 2.30

I just pushed a new release of PiwigoPress (, WordPress plugin dir) to the WordPress servers. This release incorporates some new features, mostly contributed by Anton Lavrov (big thanks!) The new features are: Shortcode:...


Gaming: Portal 2

It took me ages to finish , but Portal 2 was different – I moved through the games in high speed. Actually playing time was the same, but I played a bit more often...


Debian/TeX Live 2015.20150703-1

The first upload of new packages after . Against my expectations, the bugs didn’t come in in the thousands, more or less there were only some fixes necessary in the binary package, which lead...


An amusing lintian error — Lenna

Well, there we are, trying to build another round of TeX Live packages for Debian, just to realize that the lintian error that should have been downgraded to warning (or removed) is still around,...


TeX Live 2015 hits Debian/unstable

Here we go, I just uploaded 15 packages to the Debian archive that brings TeX Live in Debian up to the 2015 release (and a bit newer)! Uploaded packages are asymptote, biber, context, context-modules,...


TeX Live Manager News June 2015

has been released, and normal operation with daily updates has started. During the freeze time and afterwards I have made a few changes to the TeX Live Manager (tlmgr) that I want to highlight...


Localizing a WordPress Blog

There are many translation plugins available for WordPress, and most of them deal with translations of articles. This might be of interest for others, but not for me. If you have a blog with...


Gaming: Portal

Ok, I have to admit, I sometimes do game – and recently I finished Portal. Quite old (released in 2007), but still lots of fun. I started playing it about one year ago, off...


ptex2pdf release 0.8

I have uploaded ptex2pdf to CTAN. Changes are mainly about how files are searched and extensions are treated. ptex2pdf now follows the TeX standard, that is: first check if the passed in filename can...


TeX Live 2015 released

After long time of waiting we finally released TeX Live 2015. Get some champagne, and ready to party! Get it via downloading the net-installer, by obtaining a DVD, or downloading the iso. Besides the...


Tribute to Hermann Zapf

Last weekend Hermann Zapf, one of the greatest font designers and typographers of our times, has passed away at the age of 96. Much has been written about his life, his immense sphere of...


Debian/TeX Live 2015 – the new layout

While updating the TeX Live package for Debian for the upcoming 2015 release, one of my aims was to convert as much as possible of the TeX configuration infrastructure to use dpkg triggers. We...