TUG 2016 – Day 2 – Figures to Fonts

The second day of TUG 2016 was again full of interesting talks spanning from user experiences to highly technical details about astrological chart drawing, and graphical user interfaces to TikZ to the invited talk...


TUG 2016 – Day 1 – Routers and Reading

The first day of the real conference started with an excellent overview of what one can do with TeX, spanning from traditional scientific journal styles to generating router configuration for cruising ships. All this...


TUG 2016 – Day 0 – Books and Beers

The second pre-conference day was dedicated to books and beers, with a visit to an exquisite print studio, and a beer tasting session at one of the craft breweries in Canada. In addition we...


TUG 2016 – Day -1 – Wines and Waters

This years TUG is held in Toronto, Canada, and our incredible host Pavneet has managed to put together an busy program of excursions and events around the real conference. The -1st day (yeah, you...


パン屋 NiOR



Osamu Dazai – No Longer Human

Japanese authors have a tendency to commit suicide, it seems. I have read Ryunosuke Akutagawa (芥川 龍之介, at 35), Yukio Mishima (三島 由紀夫, at 45), and also Osamu Dazai (太宰 治, at 39). Their...


Michael Köhlmeier: Zwei Herren am Strand

This recent book of the Austrian author Michael Köhlmeier, Zwei Herren am Strand (Hanser Verlag), spins a story about an imaginative friendship between Charlie Chaplin and Winston Churchill. While there might not as be...


OpenPHT 1.6.2 for Debian/sid

I have updated the openpht repository with builds of OpenPHT 1.6.2 for Debian/sid for both amd64 and i386 architecture. For those who have forgotten it, OpenPHT is the open source fork of Plex Home...


Rest in peace UK

I am mourning for the UK. I feel so much pain and pity for all my good friends over there. Stupidity has won again. Good bye UK, your long reign has found its end....


Debian/TeX Live 2016.20160623-1

About one month has passed since we did release TeX Live 2016, and more than a month since the last Debian packages, so it is high time to ship out a new checkout of...





TeX Live 2016 released

After long months of testing and waiting for the DVD production, we have released TeX Live 2016 today! Detailed changes can be found here, the most important ones are: LuaTeX is updated to 0.95...


OpenPHT 1.5.2 for Debian/sid

I have updated the openpht repository with builds of OpenPHT 1.5.2 for Debian/sid for both amd64 and i386 architecture. For those who have forgotten it, OpenPHT is the open source fork of Plex Home...