Japanese TeX User Meeting 2017

Last saturday the Japanese TeX User Meeting took place in Fujisawa, Kanagawa. For those who have been at the TUG 2013 in Tokyo you will remember that the Japanese TeX community is quite big...


Fixing vim in Debian

I was wondering for quite some time why on my server vim behaves so stupid with respect to the mouse: Jumping around, copy and paste wasn’t possible the usual way. All this despite having...


TeX Live Manager: JSON output

With the development of TLCockpit continuing, I found the need for and easy exchange format between the TeX Live Manager tlmgr and frontend programs like TLCockpit. Thus, I have implemented JSON output for the...


ScalaFX: ListView with CellFactory

I had a bit hard time to get ScalaFX to display a list of items in a scrollable space, and each item can be clicked. I use this in TLCockpit to display the list...


Scala: parse JSON into nested case classes

I was playing around with parsing JSON in Scala, and got spray-json as recommendation from my Senpai. My aim was parsing some nested structure like: { “key1” : “value1”, “key2” : { “subkey1” :...


Debian/TeX Live 2017.20170926-1

A full month or more has past since the last upload of TeX Live, so it was high time to prepare a new package. Nothing spectacular here I have to say, two small bugs...


クライミング 明星山の直上ルート

もう三ヶ月前に大久しぶりにマルチピッチクライミングに行った。友人に誘われて、三人で新潟県の明星山の直上ルートを登った。石灰岩のあまりない環境でいつも明星山をたのしみにしてるけど、やっぱりちょっともろい石灰岩もありますよね。基本的にいいルートだけど、部分的にもろい岩で結構やばい感じした。何年間もここに登ってるのに、まだ慣れていないね。 (Short English summary: Climbing the Chokujo (direct) route on Myoji in Niigata. Not the best route on the face, but still not bad. Some loose passages, and in the upper parts a bit...


Debian packages as Graph Database

I have been playing around with Neo4j as graph database, and searching for a big dataset I decided to look at Debian packages (source and binary) from stable, testing, sid, and experimental, and represent...


Calibre in Debian

Some news about Calibre in Debian: I have been added to the list of maintainers, thanks Martin, and the recent release of Calibre 3.4 into Debian/unstable brought some fixes concerning the desktop integration. Now...


Gaming: The Long Dark

I normally don’t play survival games or walking simulators, but The Long Dark by Hinterland Games, which I purchased back then when it was still in early access on Steam, took me into new...


Debian/TeX Live 2017.20170724-1

Yesterday I uploaded the first update of the TeX Live packages in Debian after TeX Live 2017 has entered Debian/unstable. The packages should by now have reached most mirrors. Nothing spectacular here besides a...


Garmin fenix 5x – broken by design

Some month ago I upgrade my (European) fenix3 to a (Japanese) fenix 5x, looking forward to the built-in maps as well as support for Japanese. I was about to write a great review, how...


Gaming: Refunct

A lovely little game, Refunct, just crossed my Steam installation. A simple platformer developed with much love. The game play consists of reviving a lost area by stepping on towers, finding buttons, and making...