Debian/TeX Live 2018.20180724-1

After more than two months finally an update to TeX Live in Debian again. I was a bit distracted by work, private life, travels, and above all the update to texdoc which required a...


Microsoft fixed the Open R Debian package

I just got notice that Microsoft has updated the Debian packaging of Open R to properly use dpkg-divert. I checked the Debian packaging scripts and they now properly divert R and Rscript, and revert...


Microsoft’s failed attempt on Debian packaging

Just recently Microsoft Open R 3.5 was announced, as an open source implementation of R with some improvements. Binaries are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. I dared to download and play around with...


Git and Subversion collaboration

Git is great, we all know that, but there are use cases where there completely distributed development model does not shine (see here and here). And while my old git svn mirror of TeX...


Hyper Natural Deduction

After quite some years of research, my colleague Arnold Beckmann and my paper on Hyper Natural Deduction has finally been published in the Journal of Logic and Computation. This paper was the difficult but...


Gaming: The House of Da Vinci

Recently the gaming time has dropped close to zero, but The House of Da Vinci was just perfectly suited to my low time burst play mode. A game in the style of the Room...


Debian/TeX Live 2018.20180505-1

The first big bunch of updates of TeX Live 2018. During the freeze for DVD production, several bugs have been found and fixed. In particular compatibility of csqoutes with the shiny new LaTeX release,...


Docker, cron, mail and logs

If one searches for “docker cron“, there are a lot of hits but not really good solutions or explanations how to get a running system. In particular, what I needed/wanted was (i) stdout/stderr of...


TeX Live 2018 released

I guess everyone knows it already, Karl has released TeX Live 2018 officially just when I was off for some mountaineering, but perfectly in time for the current BachoTeX meeting. The DVDs are already...