Author: Norbert Preining

ハイキング 御在所岳 0

ハイキング 御在所岳


Debian TeX Live release 2013.20130722-1 0

Debian TeX Live release 2013.20130722-1

Yesterday I have uploaded a set of new packages for TeX Live to the Debian archive. The release is based on the tlnet checkout from 2013-07-22. Version number is 2013.20130722-1. This is the first...

Kobo Glo firmware 2.8.1 and kobohack-j 8

Kobo Glo firmware 2.8.1 and kobohack-j

[For update blog entries see for an update for firmware 2.10, and  for 3.1.1]. I recently reported about how to . One of the items was installing optimized libraries compiled from the kobohack-j project....

River climbing Dainichi-sawa 0

River climbing Dainichi-sawa

Another hot weekend, another sawa (river) to climb. This time it is the Dainichi-sawa 大日沢 in Ishikawa. Sawa-nobori, or river climbing, is a sport practiced mostly in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. In Europe and...

Internals of TeX Live 2: multi-updmap 0

Internals of TeX Live 2: multi-updmap

As a follow-up on a previous post on , today something that is not so internal, but still something that hasn’t found wide knowledge: The new operation mode of updmap: reading all updmap.cfg files.

沢登 沢上谷 0

沢登 沢上谷


石川県の自然の根絶 0



沢登 明王谷と奥ノ深谷 2

沢登 明王谷と奥ノ深谷


カタンの開拓者 0



Upgrading the Kobo Glo 3

Upgrading the Kobo Glo

Due to permanent fights over my Kindle Paperwhite, I decided to get another eBook Reader, the Kobo Glo (warning – from Japan you will be automatically redirected to the Japanese page at rakuten), so...

Pride, July 4, and Nationality 5

Pride, July 4, and Nationality

Today is July 4, the day when many Americans blare out their pride of being American. And as always on this days, I ask myself, why on earth? In fact, this pride on nationality...

Zülfü Livaneli – Serenade für Nadja 0

Zülfü Livaneli – Serenade für Nadja

It happens very rarely that a book moves me so deeply that I have to cry. This book by the Turkish multi-talent Zülfü Livaneli (musician, author, columnist, film director, …) is one of them....

TeX Live 2013 released 1

TeX Live 2013 released

In the last hours Karl Berry has finally put the release 2013 of TeX Live online. That means that new installations from tlnet will use the 2013 package base. But be warned, mirror updates...