Author: Norbert Preining

上高地・屏風岩・雲稜ルート 0



グルジアの観光:ムツヘタ 0



Christoph Ransmayr – Atlas eines ängstlichen Mannes 0

Christoph Ransmayr – Atlas eines ängstlichen Mannes

Seit langem habe ich wieder ein Buch von Christoph Ransmayr (Homepage des Autors) gelesen. Großer Fan seiner ersten Bücher – Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis, Die letzte Welt (mein Favorit!), Morbus Kitahara...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20131010-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20131010-1

Another month, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages, new version is based on tlnet from 2013-10-10. Not much new with respect to Debian packaging, just a bunch of updates for CTAN: Asana-Math, achemso, acro,...

グルジアの料理とテーブル 0



A few impressions from Georgia 3

A few impressions from Georgia

I am currently in Georgia, the country, and internet is not really a highly available option. So here are some impressions from our visit to Georgia. More reports will come soon. Rainbow over the...

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20130918-1 0

Debian/TeX Live 2013.20130918-1

Another two weeks, another upload of Debian/TeX Live packages, new version is based on tlnet from 2013-09-18. Due to pressure from some ignorant debian-devel members I had to  (texlive-doc-*, texlive-lang-*). Unfortunately one of the...

New Debian TeX Live binaries uploaded 0

New Debian TeX Live binaries uploaded

Yesterday I have uploaded a new set of TeX Live binaries (source package texlive-bin) to the Debian archive. The version number is 2013.20130729.30972-2. While that looks like a small step (from -1 to -2),...

Election in Austria – Voting from and in Japan 5

Election in Austria – Voting from and in Japan

End of September we have national elections of the parliament in Austria. And although I consider many things in Austria quite incompetent and retro-style, I appreciate that I can cast my vote via letter,...

Kobo Glo, WiFi, 2.8.1 and some more hacks 0

Kobo Glo, WiFi, 2.8.1 and some more hacks

One inconvenience of the Kobo Glo is that it turns off the wireless very soon. That means that if you are logged into your , you might get dropped out soon. This post describes...

New Debian TeX Live upload 0

New Debian TeX Live upload

Today I have uploaded a new release of Debian TeX Live. The current release is based on TeX Live’s tlnet as of 2013-09-05, and the Debian release is 2013.20130905-1. Besides the usual bunch of...

Biber and BibLaTeX in Debian (and Open Source) 0

Biber and BibLaTeX in Debian (and Open Source)

Finally after long time Debian got an uptodate release of Biber. Biber is a BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX. In recent times, including the last release of Debian (wheezy) the Biber program is...