Author: Norbert Preining


Kobo Japanese Dictionary Enhancer 1.1

Lots of releases in quick succession – the new brings multi-dictionary support and merged translation support. Using the Wadoku project’s edict2 database we can now add also German translations. Looking at the numbers, we...

雑穀谷の沢と釣り 0




Plex Home Theater 1.4.1 updated for Debian/sid

Debian/sid is going through a big restructuring with the switch to a new gcc and libstc++. Furthermore, libcec3 is now the default. So I have updated my PHT builds for Debian/sid to build and...


Kobo Japanese Dictionary Enhancer 1.0

I have just released a wastly improved new version of the . It allows you to enhance the Kobo Japanese dictionary with English translations. The new version provides now 326064 translated entries, which covers...


Debian/TeX Live complete update

Triggered by all the bugs around I spent my weekend instead of mountaineering with crawling through the TeX Live history for changes and fixes to dvipdfm-x. Thanks to 角藤さん for his hints, I have...


Work-Life Balance at Amazon

Having had personal contact with Amazon employees, and having read the NYT article Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace, I have only a few things to say: Most Japanese companies have...


Introduction to CafeOBJ in English and Japanese

Thanks to Takahiro Seino we are now having a gentle introduction to CafeOBJ for beginners, in both English and Japanese, available. Please head over to the CafeOBJ web site for details, or jump directly...

持久力の練習、又は北鎌尾根の引き返す 0


お盆の山行予定は槍ヶ岳の北鎌尾根だった。[p2p slug="yarigadake-kitakama-one"]三年前の10月[/p2p]この尾根を登ったことがある。あの時大天井ヒュッテに泊まって、一日山上まで走って、ぎりぎり台風が入る前に中房温泉に帰っていた。


QMapShack – GPS and Maps on Linux

In one of the comments on my last post on , a friendly reader from my home country pointed me at QMapShack as a replacement for QuoVadis. I have been using QuoVadis now for...


Debian/TeX Live 2015.20150810-1

For those who are starving for some updates while the big gcc5 transitions brings the rest of Debian/sid to a halt, here is some fresh meat, a new TeX Live checkout. Nothing spectacular new...


Japanese-English dictionary for Kobo

Since ever the Kobo firmwares also allowed downloading of a bunch of dictionaries, most of which I don’t need. As I am fluent in most languages I read and write, the only real dictionary...

沢登:沢上谷 0


二年ぶり奥飛騨・高原川水系沢上谷(そうれたに)へ行ってきた。[p2p slug="sawa-souredani"]あの時[/p2p]誰もいなかったけど、最近とっても人気になったこの沢。だから、今回10パーティー以上沢に入った。