Debian/TeX Live 2018.20180724-1
After more than two months finally an update to TeX Live in Debian again. I was a bit distracted by work, private life, travels, and above all the update to texdoc which required a few changes. Anyway, here is the new shipload, should be arriving at your computer in due time.
Having skipped more than two months gives a huge bunch of updates, hard to pick some interesting ones. As usual the work by Michael Sharpe, this time the extension of the Stix2 fonts in the stickstoo package, are greatly admired by me. I never understood where he finds all the time.
On the update side I am happy to see that Takuto Asakura has taken over responsability of texdoc, added already fuzzy search and better command line parsing, and I am sure we will see great improvements over time in this so very important puzzle piece to find relevant documentation.
With this I am diving into the preparations for DebConf18 in Taiwan, where I will report besides other on the status of typesetting CJK languages with TeX in Debian. Looking forward to meet a lot of interesting people in Taiwan.
Please enjoy.
New packages
axessibility, beamertheme-focus, biblatex-socialscienceshuberlin, cellprops, cqubeamer, ecothesis, endnotesj, erw-l3, etsvthor, gatherenum, guitartabs, hyperbar, jnuexam, kanaparser, lualatex-truncate, luavlna, modulus, onedown, padcount, pdfoverlay, pdfpc-movie, penrose, postage, powerdot-tuliplab, pst-contourplot, statistics, stickstoo, tagpdf, texdate, tikz-nef, tikzmarmots, tlc-article, topletter, xbmks.
Updated packages
academicons, achemso, acmart, alegreya, animate, apxproof, arabluatex, arara, babel, babel-french, babel-ukrainian, beebe, bezierplot, bib2gls, biblatex-archaeology, biblatex-caspervector, biblatex-ext, biblatex-gb7714-2015, biblatex-sbl, bibleref, bidi, bundledoc, bxjscls, cabin, caption, carlisle, cascade, catechis, classicthesis, clipboard, cochineal, colophon, colortbl, contracard, cooking-units, crossrefware, ctex, dashundergaps, datepicker-pro, datetime2, datetime2-galician, datetime2-irish, datetime2-latin, datetime2-lsorbian, dccpaper, doclicense, docsurvey, dozenal, dynkin-diagrams, elsarticle, esami, eso-pic, etoc, europecv, exercisebank, factura, fduthesis, fetchbibpes, filecontents, fira, fontawesome, fontawesome5, gbt7714, gentombow, geometry, getmap, glossaries, glossaries-extra, handin, ipaex-type1, isodoc, japanese-otf-uptex, japanese-otf-uptex-nonfree, jlreq, jsclasses, ketcindy, knowledge, komacv-rg, l3build, l3experimental, l3kernel, l3packages, latex, latex-make, latex-via-exemplos, latex2e-help-texinfo, latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish, latex2man, latexindent, latexmk, libertinus-otf, libertinust1math, lm, lni, lstbayes, luatexja, luaxml, lwarp, ly1, lyluatex, make4ht, marginnote, mcf2graph, media9, mhchem, minitoc, musicography, musixtex, na-position, ncctools, newtx, newtxsf, nicematrix, ocgx2, optidef, paracol, pgfornament-han, pkuthss, plantuml, platex, pst-ode, pstricks, ptex, ptex2pdf, pxjahyper, regexpatch, register, reledmac, roboto, scientific-thesis-cover, scsnowman, semantic-markup, serbian-lig, siunitx, stix, structmech, struktex, synctex, t2, tex-gyre, tex4ebook, tex4ht, texdoc, texdoctk, texlive-de, texlive-en, thesis-gwu, thucoursework, thuthesis, tikz-relay, tikzducks, tikzsymbols, todonotes, tools, toptesi, tracklang, turabian-formatting, uantwerpendocs, unicode-data, updmap-map, uptex, venndiagram, visualtikz, witharrows, xassoccnt, xcharter, xepersian, xint, xltabular, xsavebox, xurl, yathesis, zxjafont, zxjatype.