Debian/TeX Live 2014.20140821-1
After my well earned summer break, here another round of updates to the TeX Live packages, with lots of new and updated packages.
Packages are on the way to the servers and should arrive at end users over the next days.
Updated packages
achemso, amscls, animate, answers, babel-greek, beebe, biblatex-chicago, bidi, bidicontour, bidipagegrid, chemmacros, chemnum, chet, cjk-ko, context-vim, csplain, cstex, dataref, dccpaper, dviasm, dvipdfmx-def, dvips, eledmac, enctex, exsheets, exsol, fmtcount, getmap, glossaries, heuristica, hf-tikz, historische-zeitschrift, hobby, interval, isodoc, japanese-otf-uptex, jsclasses, l3build, l3experimental, l3kernel, l3packages, latexconfig, latexdiff, leipzig, lipsum, ltablex, lua-check-hyphen, lualatex-math, lualibs, luaotfload, media9, msu-thesis, newtxtt, pdftex, persian-modern, pgfplots, phonrule, plain, pst-circ, pst-math, pst-node, pst-plot, pstricks, pstricks-add, pythontex, raleway, reotex, schule, sepfootnotes, sourcecodepro, sourcesanspro, stix, tableaux, tcolorbox, tetex, texconfig, xepersian, xetexconfig, xetex-def, xetexko.
New packages
assoccnt, bangorcsthesis, bidishadowtext, blox, breqn, caladea, carlito, celtic, chemformula, chemgreek, chemschemex, clrscode3e, cntformats, dsptricks, fancylabel, ghsystem, komacv, listlbls, luatodonotes, mathtools, mugsthesis, pst-spirograph, pygmentex, qcircuit, roboto, tasks, yathesis.